SL-WEEK 9 : School

Cette semaine s’annonce comme importante pour nos petites têtes blondes, car cette semaine l’école reprend. Les vacances sont finies c’est la rentrée des classes. Ce moment magique que les enfants aiment et détestent tout à la fois… Alors cette semaine je vous propose de nous faire des photos de rentrée des classes ou de chemin menant vers l’école, comme celle que je vous mets pour illustrer ce thème, dans les cultures de thé du Sri Lanka… A vos appareils et vive la rentrée des classes
This week promises to be important for our little darlings as school resumes this week. Holidays are over it’s back to school. That magic moment that children love and hate at the same time … So this week I invite you to give us back pictures of classes or road leading to the school, like the one I put to illustrate this theme in the tea cultures of Sri Lanka … In your devices and vivid back to school


Mamie en cavale

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33 commentaires Ajoutez le votre

  1. viveka dit :

    Wow, love your image ….really nice one – but I will struggle this week. I can’t just now recall any image … that will fit this week’s topic. With coffee all over my netbook and don’t have a clue what memory card has what images. Really like the topic. Have to take the thinking cap on. Have a great week, Sylvain.

    1. Thanks you you’re kind… Dont use lightroom instead of memory card ?

      1. viveka dit :

        Heard about Lightroom … don’t I have to save my edit images on the hard drive??? I have been think of using a cloud for my images.

        1. Yes you Will need a hard drive with lightroom

          1. viveka dit :

            I have to look into it .. I tried Photoshop and we didn’t get along at all. Thanks for the tip.

  2. Uday dit :

    First I thought this was India, but Sri Lanka is a beautiful country as well! Love the brother-sister you’ve captured here.

    1. No it’s really Sri Lanka

    2. No it’s really Sri Lanka sure of That

  3. viveka dit :

    One photo … not the best … but at least I’m in this week too. *smile

  4. Ava dit :

    Pas évident pour moi ! il y a une école à côté, mais je vais travailler, c’est la reprise aussi, donc pas facile de faire un cliché ! ceci dit, j’aime beaucoup ta photo !

    1. on peut aussi diverger sur le thème, les crayons , les cahiers etc..

  5. Mabel Kwong dit :

    This is a brilliant shot – two girls walking to/from school and looks like they are enjoying each other’s company. How nice 🙂 I still remember my back to school days in Malaysia. There was free biscuits and hot MIlo in the canteen after classes 🙂

    1. Riverstardust dit :

      ~Hello! It`s always nice to find other msians on the internet ^^ ps, I think the other one is a boy (shorts) 🙂

      1. Yes it was a boy And a girl… Bro’s i think

  6. Your post is excellent – it is always great to see kids going to school! I have entered a ‘first day of school’ picture from twelve years ago. It’s a happy and sad day as we have since watched the kids get older!

  7. I have added another post for this challenge: older school buildings. Today’s schools in our area are all nice and clean and very sterile looking. The older style buildings are much more artistic!

  8. Ils sont trop choux les deux… <3 Bravo!

    1. Merci… Ils riaient en passant sur le chemin au milieu du thé endroit calme et magnifique

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