
Quelques Photographes dont j’aime particulièrement le travail :
Patrick Herr
Bo Paula

13 commentaires Ajoutez le votre

  1. rlseaton dit :

    I would love to follow you but would rather have it come through my daily feed rather than through an email. Is that possible? I've searched your blog and can find no way to do that. I am an amateur photographer (rlseaton on Instagram) and very much enjoy your work; and would enjoy seeing more.

    1. No not for the moment only by e-mail

    2. On wordpress you can follow easily

  2. rlseaton dit :

    I thank you – I decided to just do it by email. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi, Sylvain! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your follow! I would love to follow you back but, like the commenter before, I would like to do so in my reader not via email (emails will get "lost" in the large amount of email I receive daily). You seem to suggest there is a way to do this easily, but I can't find it either.

    1. you can follow on the link in the wordpress interface
      just click follow

      i use the reader in the wordpress interface
      it's easy

  4. rododovris dit :

    Merci bien for your time to visit my blog and follow!!

    1. Yes we are just really sad… So sad.. Tahnks

      1. feigenfrucht dit :

        Oh my dear Sylvain …. I’m glad to read from you … and I’m also very sad

  5. 4otomo dit :

    Hi Sylvain
    Thank you for creating an opportunity, and the platform to showcase images on your site.. Humbled to find my image being selected from a bunch of really cool images for the Animal challenge.

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