Et si on en profitait pour un peu de street photo, du street journalisme… Car en ce moment cela me gonfle un peu toutes ces idées de droites sur les pauvres, les immigrés et tous les reclus de la sociétés… Donc coup de gueule en photo sur les inégalités qui me font tourner la tête, me font doucement vomir
And if we took the opportunity for a little street photo, street of journalism … Because right now it just fills me all these ideas straight on the poor , immigrants and all the inmates of the companies … So suddenly Photo -mouthed on inequalities that make me turn my head , make me vomit softly
An emotional photo.
Thank you
yes it was a big emotion just so close to a bank and these people with their cash
Yes and the black and white made it even more so. I wasn't sure about monochrome before but I think i get it more with this photo.
thanks a lot